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Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. Provides Comprehensive Commercial HVAC Services

Since 1945, Harvey W. Hottel, Inc., has been providing commercial HVAC and plumbing services to building owners throughout the Greater Washington area. We recognize the importance of having a partner you can trust to maintain your building while you devote attention to your business and its valued customers. We are proud to be that partner for you. Over the years, we have developed a keen understanding of the dynamic needs of our commercial clients. As a result our Commerical HVAC and Plumbing professionals deliver dependable services using the highest-quality products available. We have made it our mission to treat every customer with respect and exceed their expectations in the process. Contact us today to learn what we can do for you.

Installation of HVAC unit in a residential space  in the DC Metropolitan Area

Our Washington Metropolitan Area HVAC Services

  • Repair: Our HVAC repair services can be done on all makes and models of equipment. As with all of our services, it will be performed by qualified, skilled, and highly experienced technicians, our repairs are done quickly and are cost-effective as well.
  • Installation: Whether you need to replace an old unit or install a completely new system, we sell and install the highest quality and most trusted brands in the industry. Our installations are done quickly so that there is minimal interruption to your day!
  • Maintenance: To ensure that your commercial building’s HVAC system is running efficiently, it is important to perform regularly scheduled maintenance. For a routine maintenance schedule or a quick system check-up, you can count on our experienced technicians to get the job done.
  • Geothermal: The latest in environmentally friendly technology, geothermal heating, and cooling systems allow our customers to keep comfortable all while protecting the environment and saving money with an energy efficient system.
AC Unit and Gauges in DC Metropolitan Area

What You Can Expect During AC Maintenance

When you enlist the HVAC experts at Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. for a maintenance visit, you will be greeted by our highly trained service technicians. They will perform a comprehensive inspection of your HVAC system to ensure everything is working correctly. Our team does not just change your air filters, we will identify issues that may exist and check/maintain all the systems mechanical moving parts. We always perform maintenance per the equipment manufacturer’s specific recommendations. Contact us today for more details.

Some of the standard systems that we regularly maintain are:

  • Package Units
  • Split Systems
  • Boilers
  • Chillers
  • Pumps
  • VRF/VRV Systems
  • Cooling Towers
  • DOAS Units
  • And more…

The Benefits of HVAC Maintenance

Taking care of your HVAC system is just like taking care of your vehicle. You would not expect your car to perform well and last a long time if you neglect getting your oil changed. The same concept holds true with your building’s air conditioner. Professional HVAC maintenance comes with many benefits, including:

Fewer Repairs

When your AC system runs at optimal capacity and small issues are caught during the maintenance process, the unit will require fewer repairs over its lifespan. This saves you money and keeps your employees, clients, and customers comfortable.

Improved Energy Efficiency

HVAC Maintenance can ensure that all working parts of the system are in excellent condition, allowing your building’s HVAC system to run smoothly and cost-effectively.

Better Air Quality

During your maintenance visit, our HVAC service technician will clean your system’s vents, coils, and overall systems. This will provide your commercial building with cleaner air.

Increased Comfort

When your HVAC system is running properly, you should notice a difference in the comfort levels throughout your building.

Commercial AC unit in DC Metropolitan Area

When Do I Need HVAC Repair?

Air conditioners can break without warning, but most of the time, they will give you some indicators that they will soon require service. While this list is not exhaustive, it provides you a good starting point, so you know what to look for with your commercial air conditioning unit. Blowing warm, unconditioned air can be a result in:

  • System losing efficiency
  • Increasing utility bills
  • Thermostat reading incorrectly or not working properly
  • Foul or unusual odors
  • Indoor humidity
  • Loud noises from the unit

Whether you need our services due to some of the common issues on this list or due to any of the more complex problems outside of it, you can trust Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. to get the job done right.

Need Help Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace?

Our technicians’ experience with all makes and models of commercial heating units will help you decide whether to repair or replace the unit altogether. Don’t worry, though, we do not use badgering sales tactics or always suggest a commercial heating installation. We want to help save you money. Here are some items to consider, though, if you are having trouble deciding whether to repair or replace your commercial heating system:

Age of System

Once your system reaches ten years old, it is time to start thinking about replacing. If you keep up with all the necessary commercial heating services, though, it should last up to about 15 years before it needs a full-on replacement.

System Performance

Have you noticed no matter what you set the thermostat, the heat never seems to get to the right temperature? Or even worse, it is just blowing cold air out of the vents? Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. is here to help get to the root of the problem, but it could be that the commercial heating system needs to be replaced. The appliance itself may be too small for your facility or office space and getting a new machine after our inspection could relive a lot of stress and deliver the comfort needed.

Number of Commercial Heating Services

If you have made countless repairs over the years just to keep your heating unit working, it’s time to stop throwing away your money and purchase a new system. We understand it is a substantial investment, but over time, a new one will help save you money by having better energy-efficiency and needing fewer repairs.

Cost of Commercial Heating Services

If you find the price of necessary commercial heating services too high for your liking, you may be better off getting a replacement. If you are quoted a service repair, and the cost is more than half the price of a new system, Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. highly recommends going with the new system. We can help you find the perfect commercial heating system to fit your needs and wants and help you save money in the long run.

Preventative Maintenance
Indoor Air Quality

HVAC Service in Washington DC

If you are a commercial building owner in search of reliable Baltimore & Washington metropolitan commercial facilities services, you have come to the right place. Our team at Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. has more than 70 years of experience designing, installing, and repairing all makes and models of air conditioning units. As a family-owned company, we are proud to deliver premium air conditioning services and more that go beyond our customers’ expectations. Customer satisfaction is our primary goal as we work tirelessly to ensure that every and commercial building we serve has a fully functioning and efficient air conditioning unit in place.

Schedule a Service Call Today With Harvey W. Hottel, Inc.